Hello, my name is
Stephen Talbot
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About Me

My name is Stephen Talbot, and I am a full-stack software developer located in Austin, Texas with a focus in back-end / full-stack development. My passion for making the world a better place through STEM derives from my background in Chemistry, while my unrelenting drive for success comes from my experience in the US Army

As a recent graduate from Codeup, I am eager to explore the vast realm of software development. With the constant changes in technology, keeping current with new/updated languages, libraries, frameworks is crucial for my success as a developer. By working on personal projects, refining my current skill set, and expanding my knowledge base I am able to efficiently utilize many tools

If you're looking for a reliable developer that will enhance your teams' success, a developer that wants to collaborate, or you'd just like to stop by and say hello, please feel free to contact me below

My Experience/Projects

Nov 2022 - May 2023

Codeup has played an integral role in nurturing my love for software development. I have spent these 5 months learning the basics of full-stack development from the ground up. To list a few of the things that I have learned include JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaSE, JavaEE, MySQL, Spring Boot, and more. The curriculum has provided me with an opportunity to learn and apply these multiple languages and frameworks. This bootcamp has brought back my love for problem-solving and critical thinking, and has helped me think about the technological world in a different way


Tether is a full-stack web application that is similar to a social media site. Having 2.5 weeks to build this application from start to finish, it has a plethora of user functionality. My front-end contributions include most of the styling that you see, redirect messages, TalkJS API, MapBox API, and password verification. My back-end contributions include most of the MySQL DB queries, friend requests, group requests, and security. It is currently only desktop-ready for large screens. Click on the link above to check out the live site, or contact me below to find out more about my current projects

Sep 2017 - Current

From 2017 - 2021 I served in the US Army as an active duty Infantryman. Maintaining the same job title, I switched over from active duty to the Texas Army National Guard in early 2021. In my 6 years, the US Army has molded me and prepared me for the software development workforce by providing me with opportunities to lead and to showcase my ability to create cohesive teams. It has cultivated drive and work ethic within me that I will hold onto forever. I would not be half of the software developer that I am today if it was not for the grit that the US Army has instilled in me

Get In Touch

In need of a capable and driven web developer? Please reach out to get in contact with me